A collection of evidence in support of simulation theory.


Corroborating Digital Testimonial Influence The Girl Next Door
The Girl Next Door explains the rehabilitation process.

A moose marriage


The Girl Next Door delivers a monologue. - @41:15

This story is prefixed with a warning: “You don’t want to hurt something that feels. Deeply. Careful!


This girl has been waiting for a long time. The wrong move could break her heart.


The Girl Next Door goes on to tell a story about a moose who fell in a lake of ice. He became completely frozen. At some point, people rescued him, thawed him out, and set him free. He was so grateful that he traversed miles and miles of frozen wasteland to be with the other moose who had sent the people to save him. The two fell deeply in love, and got married.


I am the frozen moose. My narcissism was an adaptation required to survive in this land of ice. For years, I put a cold, hard exterior shell on for the world. When The Raven came into my life, I completely melted. I am actively traversing these miles of ice to be with her.

Because I would do anything to be with my moose.