A collection of evidence in support of simulation theory.


Corroborating Demonstrative Digital Identity Influence Legal Leverage Manipulation Surveillance Google QAnon The Raven
I am caught dead-to-rights.

The are always listening


The moment my phone responded to a song, I knew for sure.


They could hear everything.

A familiar song


On 12/7/2019, I discovered one of The Raven’s Artificial Identities. Archons, like The Architect, are reptiles. Within the lore of QAnon conspiracy theories, Archons are pedophiles. They are hated among other religions, too. Satan is represented as a snake, for example.


I browsed this channel’s playlists, and I watched my first video. I enjoyed it, and returned to find another.


This time, a new playlist was visible at the top of the list.


I’m ~50% sure that this playlist wasn’t there just 20 minutes earlier. It would have caught my attention. It’s as if The Lizard Queen made it public in response to my visit.


I was triggered by the word “sovereign.” It had meaning to my prior works.


I listened to 3 seconds of the song, then shut it off in horror.


I had heard this song before. In the baseball. In the rabbit holes I should not have explored.

Many times.

They had fingerprinted me via that Google Home device.


I confirmed my understanding by confessing in plain sight.