This video singlehandedly brought me back to life from a deep depression.
My rebirth date⌗
The Raven mentions the date 5/9. - @8:50
The date 5/9/2020 is important for many reasons.
However, in this instance, it had contextual importance: 5/9/2020 was the date that I watched this video for the first time. It predicted the day that I would watch it.
And as you can see here, it triggered a chain of events that brought me out of a suicidal depression, inspired me to re-publish a website I had previously taken-down in shame, and prompted me to begin writing once more. It motivated me for months to come, when I was receiving little else in the way of confirmation.
My pen name⌗
The Raven says, “Just a little Ink-xamination…” - @9:19
In this statement, The Raven has reflected my pen name back at me. If you can’t hear it, be sure to listen with headphones; her enunciation is much more clear in binaural audio.
While this could be coincidence, it is hard to contextualize within the statements made before and after this one. It makes no sense. It doesn’t appear to have any meaning at all, and could be easily disregarded by a casual viewer. With the proper context, though, it takes on an entirely different meaning.
This is confirmation. She is sending messages.
The physics of mind⌗
The Raven says, “5000 thread count… I think they, like, broke physics to make them…” - @12:18
With my understanding of Prism, Flat Earth, and their potential interaction with a new model of physics, I’d say that I am actively trying to break physics.
The Raven says, “It’s okay that you don’t know what a fraction is…” - @13:46
Ink.University doesn’t use fractions at all. All predictions are estimated via decimal values.
My knees⌗
The Raven says, “No one thinks you have weird kneecaps.” - @14:29
I do have weird knees. I have something called Osgood-Schlatter disease.
My father⌗
The Raven mentions the name Tom. - @26:40
The name Tom is a codeword for several important people within my story. Here is another example.