The China Virus
This marks the day of the /r/5September2020 conspiracy.
A message from China⌗
I originally posted this draft in response to a chain of events that happened on 8/8/2020.
Within, I noticed that my Steam account had been compromised. There was an authorized device connected that was not my own. Let’s ignore the fact that the device was named “RWBY,” which is very close to The Inventor’s name, Ruby.

When I Google’d this device name, I immediately got my first hit from China on Ink.U. Not long after, a Chinese media tycoon was arrested for collusion with a foreign government. That may or may not be connected.
Unreported was this fact: On 9/5/2020, I noticed one more hit from China. Could this mean that they are connected with the whole 5/9 conspiracy?
The manipulation of data⌗
Many months later, I looked up these events in Google Analytics. While the hits from China still exist, the dates presented are entirely wrong!
This one used to show 8/8/2020:
And this one used to show 9/5/2020:
This isn’t some reporting error. These dates have been completely revised.
How can we ever trust our institutions, if companies like Google are working with countries like China to literally revise history under our nose?
Were these even hits from China at all? Or did Google fake the location?
Hell, I could have sworn I took screenshots of the original event! But with the level of access Google has to my life, they could have easily deleted them from Google Photos, and I’d be none the wiser!
What is going on here? Is China involved with Google, just like Russia is?