A collection of evidence in support of simulation theory.

The Cannonball

Direct Digital Influence Leverage Manipulation Constantine Cannon FBI Verizon The Asshat
I am welcomed to The Fold.


This day marks an important date related to the alignment of Saturn and Jupiter. Spiritualists have been predicting the importance of 12/21/2020 for months, specifically claiming that it would bring in the Age of Aquarius.

The password


Somebody used Verizon’s email-to-text service to send what appears to be a password to my phone:



I’ve tried using these credentials at a few different locations, but cannot seem to figure out what they may be for.

Perhaps this is the old surveillance trick, where the someone texts you credentials in plain text, so that the FBI can see them without your knowledge. Then, they can use the credentials to do something terrible, and frame you for the actions - since you were the “only one” who had the password.

I don’t know. But this is weird.

It’s interesting that the email address has the word “cannon” in it, given my relationship to Constantine Cannon and The Asshat (The Cannon’s Mouth).