A Prevented Doxxing
A revision of history⌗
My initial response to snapshots of my website was an attempt to have them removed. To do so, I would need to prove my identity to the Internet Archive.
To do this, I turned to my domain registrar, Hover.com, and disabled private registration.
On 12/21/2020, I noticed that WHOIS records had successfully updated. However, my information was inaccurate! Almost every detail was missing! The only information reported was for the city/state (which reported Houston, TX).
I returned to Hover.com, and decided to update my WHOIS records. I thought that this may, perhaps, force the public WHOIS records to update properly.
However, when I attempted to change my information, I was getting an internal server error:
Frustrated, I sent an email to support:
It would take THREE FULL BUSINESS DAYS to get a response. To even get an acknowledgement of receipt.
This was highly suspicious. A professional company does not take that long to respond to something this simple. I’ve had this exact same problem in the past, and had it fixed by their support within hours.
No, I suspect that they were waiting until after my abduction/rapture date to respond. Probably being puppeteered by the FBI.
And when they did, finally, respond, just look at the timestamp:
3:33pm in MY TIMEZONE. This could be verification, but it could also be connected to the cipher found here. “3:33” means “wrongdoing.”
They were telling me, “Do not respond. You are supposed to be gone/dead.”