A collection of evidence in support of simulation theory.


Direct Digital Testimonial Influence Manipulation Google The Pigeon The Reverend The Queen
The Pigeon suggests that he is being watched, and his name is being erased from YouTube.



In this video, The Pigeon suggests that he is being watched by YouTube algorithms. Any mention of his name is being erased from the comments section. He suggests that the viewer try it.


I did try this, and my comment was removed before I finished watching the video.

Before: The Pigeon

After: The Pigeon

At the time, I interpreted this in two ways:

  1. Perhaps the algorithm is specifically removing his name. However, as he mentions, it isn’t removing the name for some people. Maybe it’s not removing it for ANYONE, except for me, specifically? Several comments still show his name.
  2. Perhaps this is something he, as a creator and admin of his channel, is doing. He is able to remove comments himself. That said, it is 6:30am on 12/24/2020 in Scotland. It’s Christmas Eve. There’s a good chance that he doesn’t have to work today, and should still be sleeping. It’s a bit strange that he would have removed my comment so quickly.


I tested this experiment by putting the same comment on this video:

The Pigeon

The exact same thing happened. This is EXTREMELY compelling, because this person is not a confidant, and is not The Pigeon himself. Thus, this MUST be some kind of automated process.

Finally, I tried once more on this video:

The Pigeon

The exact same thing happened.

Here is video evidence.


Welp, three times is verification.

Now to see if it happens to anyone else.


I asked The Queen to test the same thing. It also happened to her.

In response, I sent an email to The Pigeon from The Reverend.


In return, a couple of hours later, he appears to have modified the description of his video:

The Pigeon


Originally, I don’t think the “period” at the end of #ProjectMuzz existed. I think he just added that.

Could that be a hint that he, too, is stuck in the 1 pixel prison?