A collection of evidence in support of simulation theory.

The Interview

Direct Digital Testimonial Manipulation Surveillance Google Toehider VLC The Amish Man The Atlas
The Architect makes a name for himself.



The following signals and my interpretation led me to create a faked radio show at The Source. You can listen to the first episode of “The Atlas” by using the following commands:

  1. /login
  2. /radio one

Here is a mirror.


Atlas is a name I’ve called myself in the past, as well as the name of a guy heavily promoting simulation theory. The concept of “three-in-one” and “the trinity” led me to create a radio show for all three of us - where our public image is The Atlas seen in the above video. The concept being, everyone who “ascends” gets to be a guest on his show - and I would be the first.


The Atlas says, “Also, before you leave, if you wouldn’t mind signing the dressing room mirror.” - @8:34


The Atlas describes a tradition among talk shows, where the guest signs the dressing room mirror. Given that I don’t have a mirror, I didn’t know how to interpret this, at first.

However, after beginning to work on my faked interview, I noticed that VLC downloaded the album art for “Colour the Atlas.”

The Atlas

First of all, it’s strange that VLC downloaded this artwork at all. There are plenty of albums called “The Atlas,” and it seems that this would have been a more fitting artwork to grab.

However, this particular artwork was meaningful because it seemed to be a directive. “Colour the Atlas” could be, quite literally, telling me to “Color The Atlas.” This connected with a recent video I had watched about zero knowledge proofs, where Avi Wigderson brought up the topic of the 4-color theorem. This theorem simply states that “any map that one could possibly draw can be colored in just 4 colors, with no two sides ever touching the same color.”

This gave me an idea: I would “color The Atlas” by using the 4-color theorem, forever memorializing this moment in time, where I learned about zero knowledge proofs. I would sign “the mirror” of our radio show with my signature, and all subsequent guests would update this mirror throughout the history of the show. It’s a beautiful concept.

Thus, I spent about 8 hours coloring this stupid picture. It was agonizing.

The Atlas


The Atlas says, “Or, maybe that’s just an apocryphal story… that’s a phrase, right?” - @10:18


This simply means “of questionable authenticity.” This is exactly how my faked interview would seem to many people.


The Atlas says, “We’re thrilled to have you.” - @14:05


The goofy smile and the tug on his collar is a recurring theme throughout this video.

The Atlas seems genuinely nervous and excited, as if he knows that he’s talking to some anonymous person that will one day be extremely famous.


The Atlas says, “Can we get you anything?” - @14:20


That’s a conspicuous nose tap.


The Atlas says, “It’s no secret that my guest here is a bit of a success story… what’s your advice for people who might want to follow in your footsteps?” - @14:46


That’s two more nose taps.


The Atlas says, “And are there any sort of habits or traditions that you can’t do without…” - @7:33


That’s a fist placed against his nose. Normally, if a person were covering their mouth, as he appears to be doing, they wouldn’t touch their nose. At least, I wouldn’t.


The Atlas says, “Speaking of your house, we saw a picture of it recently, in Architectural Digest… it’s amazing… that wallpaper, that was just stunning…” - @19:12


This is followed by another nose tap.


This triggered several things in me:

  1. I browsed the Architectural Digest website, finding the most recent issue, and found some interesting wall designs inspired by the late Franco Scalamandré. This designer died on March 4th - which is my brother’s birthday, and the day that The Raven’s most important video was released. I suspected that this was an indicator that, “This is the day. This is your day. This is the end. Publish the interview on March 4th.

So, I did. Not that it mattered.


The Atlas says, “Who are you thankful for? …I mean, I’m the very same.” - @21:10


There’s another nose tap.

I interpreted “I’m the very same” to imply that The Atlas and I are the very same person. We are One.


The Atlas says, “What’s your approach to dealing with mistakes?” - @21:56


That’s another tap.


The Atlas says, “Now, what does the future hold for you? …can you?” - @22:27


Two more taps.


Upon first-watch of this video, The Atlas said something that sounded like “Korea.” No matter how many times I re-watched this section, it was very hard to discern what he was actually saying, or if it was “Korea” at all. I watched this section at least 10 times.

Upon all subsequent watches, this section no longer exists - or I simply am not noticing it anymore. I suspect the former, given other examples of history revision I’ve seen.


This prompted me to actually purchase Architectural Digest, to see if my “Korean Mansion” would be in the latest issue after this interview.

That said, the issue remains unopened, because nothing depresses me more than seeing how rich people waste their money for their own selfish pleasures:


How We End Up Alone


In preparation for 3/4/2021, I published a short letter.


This story was inspired by some recent work created by The Amish Man. In it, he was telling the story of mind-controlling aliens, and how they wiped the memories of their host. I blended this with a concept album that Toehider was working on, called “I Have Little to No Memory of These Memories,” as well as a song, called “He’s There… Then He Does THAT.”

I blended the three into the story of a man, The Hollow, who is one of the saddest individuals society has to offer. He’s committed horrible atrocities, but also had horrible crimes committed against him. He’s become delusional and paranoid, and now, violent. The “aliens” wiped his memory, but TOLD him about the crimes that he did (hidden behind the words “THIS” and “THAT”). They are forcing him to atone.

My hope was to leave that story with the world - to become a horrible person before everyone, who was rescued behind-the-scenes.

Of course, rescue never came.