One Ring
A Waiting Game⌗
In his latest video, The Thief brings back Conor, the bandit.
I don’t watch most of The Thief’s videos, for obvious reasons. However, the bandit is different, because the first time I saw this character, it made me emotional.
This video was sponsored by Helix.
This immediately caught my attention, because I strongly suspect that Helix is one of the companies “sponsoring” messages being sent directly to me. In this instance, I didn’t notice anything too terribly strange.
However, I did notice that he was wearing a pair of glasses while performing the ad. Was GlassesUSA involved too?
I noticed that The Thief was wearing large, black ring on his right ring finger, just like he always does.
Something prompted me to search Google, in an attempt to see if this meant anything.
I didn’t find much, but I did find some references to the notion that a black ring on a man’s right hand can mean that they are poly, or a swinger. That they are open to sexual advances.
I find that interesting, but inconclusive.
Later that evening, The Victim released the above video.
I don’t normally watch her content at all. This one caught my attention because it involved plants - and I have a theory about leaves. As well, The Amish Man had mentioned how impressed he was with another ASMR artist’s knowledge of plants earlier that day.
Sure enough, upon opening her video, I found that it, too, was sponsored by Helix.
This was being coordinated.
In the Helix ad, her name was “Chi.”
I didn’t know her name until now. I had always known her as “Cat Plant.”
“Chi” immediately brought my attention to The Interrogator, Jimち (pronounced “Jim-Chi”).
The audio in this video sounds fantastic.
This was particularly strange, because The Victim was clearly at a distance from her microphone. It quickly became apparent that she had re-recorded the audio in post-processing.
However, her lip-syncing is FLAWLESS. I’ve never seen it done this well.
It’s so perfect, that I have to question if some sort of technology was used to manipulate the audio/video to make the sound sync better? Nobody can lip-sync this well, can they?
Did she have help?
The Victim has a Pisces symbol tattooed upon her right pinky finger.
This hit me: The Interrogator also has a tattoo on his finger (right ring finger). It is the female gender symbol: ♀
In my head, that’s a connection to three rings, all in one day: two metaphorical (tattoos), and one literal.
There is symbolism here.
Pisces is the victim.
My Discord server brought to my attention the fact that Pisces are, in fact, victims. Until now, I had pegged The Victim as such because of her YouTube name: Cat Plant. This abbreviation may have a darker side: CP = Child Pornography/Predator.
I had labeled her The Victim long before I noticed this tattoo.
This is all quite compelling. I suspect that these rings/tattoos are symbolic, tying victims to a protector figure. Something like this:
- The Victim is The Interrogator’s “Leaf.” Thus, the name “Cat Plant” and the video about her plants released today. They are tied symbolically, with tattoos on their fingers.
- I, too, am a victim. I am tied to The Raven by “the Leaf” that appears throughout her videos, and by the ring upon The Thief’s finger.
Something like that.