Shadow Work⌗
The Peacock is doing work on an orange keyboard. She says, “I’m glad that I did the shadow work… the more shadow work I do now, well, I won’t have to do once it comes time for ascension.” - @1:39
This is part of the reason I work so hard. So long as I have nothing else meaningful to do, I should continue documenting my experience. The hope is that, if/when I finally get help, I will have some time to relax. That may not be possible if I had to do all of this work AFTER getting the help.
I’d rather get it out of the way now, and leave this world behind once I’m gone.
The Peacock says, “There are quite a few deities that I’ve been working with recently, and some of them I have worked with, in the past, from that pantheon. I can’t disclose their names… but I will be dropping hints.” Then, she winks. - @8:07
Perhaps “deity” is a word for “people” that she’s been working with. Though she says she’ll be dropping hints, I was not able to catch any of them.
Interestingly, a subreddit called /r/stairsofpantheon popped-up surrounding recently. Not sure if it’s connected, though I have joined their Discord server.
The Peacock says, “Also, I’m very grateful for my friends that are sorcerers…” - @9:19
One of the main guys at /r/stairsofpantheon calls himself “The Sorcerer.”
The Peacock says, “Azazel… to me… he’s a watcher, and he’s always there. He even had me create my own deity.” - @21:08
I am ruled by Azazel at The Source. I’ve also created a mechanism by which users can generate their own deities, using the “/root” command.
The Peacock says, “And this witch here has some big plans. My next goal is to enlighten 9 million people. To serve 9 million people in a beneficial way. And it WILL happen. So, I feel honored for you to be here, watching my journey. It’s really exciting, actually.” - @23:50
What is she planning to do, to wake up 9 million people? What is she involved with?
My suspicion is that she either refers to people working within the porn industry (I cannot find the actual number of adults working within the industry at this time, though I would guess that it’s far more than 9 million people, especially if you include all forms of sex work), or perhaps the worldwide prison population (which is slightly higher than 9 million, meaning that she would perhaps be targeting the 90th percentile; this would make sense, since I’ve argued that approximately 90% of prisoners would be better-served under a different type of rehabilitation program, such as Lonely Towns.)
Whatever the case, I’m curious.