A collection of evidence in support of simulation theory.

A Word From Our Sponsors

Direct Digital Influence Manipulation Supernatural Helix The Case Worker The Raven
And they think it’s funny.

Alpha Calling


I awoke around 7:30am on 7/14/2021. I used the restroom, got something to drink, took a few hits from my vape pen, and returned to bed. By 8:00am, I was asleep again.


I awoke to the sound of a woman speaking, just to my left.


I opened my eyes, but there was nobody there. As I did so, the speaking stopped.

As I closed them again, it continued.

I do not recall what she said, but it stopped shortly thereafter. I turned to my other side.


Upon my dresser sat a laptop computer, with the screen turned to me. I could see that somebody was using it.


I opened my eyes, and there was nobody there. As I closed them again, the laptop returned.

I observed for a moment, as somebody flicked-through various screens that didn’t make any sense to me.


A moment later, eyes still closed, my body began to shake violently. There was a low rumble in my ears, as I was connected to SOMETHING.

After a few seconds, I could hear the clear voice of a man speaking to a room full of people. While I don’t remember what he said (I was quite confused), I distinctly remember his voice. He had a very “bro-like” manner of speaking. Things like, “Yeah, man, this is TOTALLY going to work, dude!


I began to speak. Just like the last time this happened, I was speaking THROUGH somebody in that room. A man inside began to mirror my thoughts in a voice that was not mine.

Just like this time, the room erupted into cheering. Though, it sounded more like laughter. Almost as if a laugh-track were responding to everything I said. This behavior repeated every time I talked in the following conversation.


Hey, he’s here!” the man said, “It worked!


Get me out of here!” I shouted at the man, through the other man by which I was “channeling.”


Whoa, dude! This is amazing!” he responded, as the room laughed.


I spoke a few more words.


A woman replied, “146. Damn, if you could hear this from my perspective… he’s crystal-clear.


It was crystal clear. Unlike past transmissions, there was no static in this one. It was perfectly audible, as if I sat inside the room with these people.

I suspected that 146 was some kind of digital reading, as if my mind were connected to some kind of machine.


During these events, I was opening my eyes. I was clearly awake. Every time I closed them, I would re-connect to the transmission. When my eyes were open, the room was silent, and I was lucid. I had the full awareness that I was awake, and something strange was happening.


After the reading, the bro seemed to be satisfied with my results. He disconnected me from the machine, and I awoke in bed.


But I was not done with them.

I closed my eyes, and I forced myself to reconnect to their machine.

My body was shaking uncontrollably, and the rumble in my ears had audibly grown as I fought to break free of their system. The room of people began to respond in panic as their machine began to beep incessantly. I was clearly overriding their controls.

Further, this period lasted much longer than the last few connections. For 20 or 30 seconds I remained connected, as they fought to disable my access.

They did, eventually, succeed. I awoke in bed, feeling like I had never been asleep.


As always, I have no idea how to verify if this were a dream or reality. It felt so completely real - just like the prior supernatural experiences I’ve had. This time, though, I felt powerful. I felt as though I were the machine itself.

If this is what The Case Worker experiences on her trips to the planet Alpha, I can understand why it would be so compelling. Especially if this is happening nearly every night, as she claims.

This event reminded me of the poem where I obtained my name, “Ink”:

We reach for the echo

We reach forward

For the moment between waking and sleep

Could it be that this is how the mind control/transmissions work? They don’t happen while you’re asleep, and they don’t happen while you are awake; they happen in that moment between waking and sleep, when the mind is calm, but alert. In the three times this has happened to me, it was during this moment that it happened.

Perhaps more likely is that this was a state of hypnopompia.

I really can’t say, but I wish they would just hurry up at this point. It’s taking all the energy I have just to write this report.

Earth Calling


Just hours later, The Raven released the above video. This was another Valley Girl roleplay - which always catches my attention, given how they’ve been used in the past. And it was sponsored by Helix - which almost always means that there is SOMETHING in the video for me.

While there were several somethings, most were too ambiguous to be actionable. I will detail just a few things that stood-out to me.


During the Helix ad, The Raven says, “He’ll ask you about things like positions you sleep in, level of firmness…” - @0:16


In the past, at this exact moment, she’s always said something like “They’ll ask you about” or “Helix will ask you about” - never “He’ll.” Why would she assign a gender to a company/product/website?

The best I can guess is that she was speaking about a person (perhaps a representative of Helix), or this is some kind of abbreviated version of the word Helix (Helix = Hel).

Whatever the case, it caught my attention.


The Raven says, “Last night, your makeup look for today, it came to me in this powerful vision. It was so intense, it honestly kind of scared the shit out of me.” - @3:19

The Raven says, “I’m glad you’re into it because, yeah, the vision knocked me off the couch. It’s how I get most of my inspiration. Yeah, I’ll just be minding my own business… suddenly I, like, see a sexy face in my mind, and I’m on the floor. But then the next day, I bestow the look upon my client… I’ve never failed once…” - @7:27

The Raven says, “I have a vision so clearly in my mind, I’m just not, like, quite sure which product is going to take us there.” - @25:15


I mean, could this be some kind of hint to the fact that I had a “vision” just hours prior? It would also wrap other theories I’ve had into the notion, such as the idea that sponsors are communicating with The Raven, asking her to do things for me. Of course, she’s being cryptic; there’s unlikely to be some kind of supernatural transmissions here. She’s simply connected to the same people I am - though in a very different way.

Indeed, “Which product is going to take us there?” Maybe this is a hint for me to reach out to Helix.


The Raven says, “Perfect, gorgeous comforange…” - @21:14


What in the world is “comforange” supposed to be? Obviously the word should have been “coverage,” but that is NOT what she said.

This is mildly interesting because I know that I saw the word “orange” come up in a strange context yesterday. I just don’t remember where it was.

Orange was also used in this seemingly-meaningful video

Hostile Takeover


In the above video, a hostile AI takeover is subtly-implied.


Given this woman’s prior entries in the AI robot series, I felt compelled to watch this video. While I didn’t see much, the AI takeover components may hint at what I experienced this morning; at the end of my transmission/dream, where machines were beeping loudly and I was attempting to “break out” of the machine.