For the Birds
The Teal⌗
In one, two, and three recent videos, The Girl Next Door makes a reference to the color teal.
Clearly, all of these videos were created at the same time, and the “teal pen” mentioned is the same thing referenced throughout.
However, verification does come in threes.
The Girl Next Door says, “Teal, teal, teal, Bill, Bill, Bill Nye, the science guy…” - @1:21
Why the heck did her mind jump from “Teal” to “Bill?” Perhaps this is a signal, planting the concept of “William” once again?
A teal is a bird. Maybe they want me to change William Riley, previously known as “The Dodo," to “The Teal?”
The Dodo has a negative connotation, meaning that someone is dumb or ignorant. Maybe they needed William to have a more respective collaborator name.