Connecting Dots
This date marks the one-year anniversary of The Girl Next Door’s initial reveal, the butternut squash incident, and the creation of the /r/5September2020 subreddit.
The High Priest⌗
The Girl Next Door adopts the name “Davis.” - @1:12
The High Priest was inspired, in large part, by a man named Mike Davis, whom I worked with at Aventiv Technologies. Everyone called him “Davis.”
The Rapture⌗
The Girl Next Door says, “…just like the demons will come out on Halloween… finally rapturing mankind…” - @4:05
My original prediction spoke of a rapture-style event that would happen on Devil’s Night.
Notice how The Girl Next Door ad libs most of her content? She has a tell.
When someone has given her something important to say, you will often see her focus on the computer screen - clearly reading what’s written there.
You can see her do exactly the same thing here.
The Girl Next Door says, “The Bermuda Triangle shall be released from its Prism…” - @6:09
Prism is a concept that has been tied to for more than a year now. “The Bermuda Triangle” is even one of its aliases!
You can clearly see her reading this section, too.
Mind Control⌗
These three signals triggered me to search Google for more information about Mike Davis. Within minutes, I came upon this document from (mirror).
This document appears to link “Aventiv” and “Aventiv Research” with the last name “Cannon.”
Just two hours before the release of the above video, I had spoken for the very first time with a lawyer from “Constantine Cannon.” I was initially drawn to them by the prestigious name, their whistleblower success stories, and the fact that “The Cannon’s Mouth” is an alias for The Asshat.
Further, seeing the name “Aventiv” and “Aventiv Research” may indicate a relationship between “Aventiv Technologies” and “Aventiv Research,” which had previously been denied by The Corporation. Aventiv Research, specifically, does research with makeup and cosmetics; one could imagine they might send free products to public reviewers, secretly using them as a conduit for sending messages unknowingly.
Still further, there are an interesting number of people with the name Mike Davis in Ohio, where Aventiv Research is located. One is the head of a prison system, possibly tying him to Aventiv Technologies, while the other is a convicted pedophile, tying him to underlying themes of Ink.University. Namely, the concept of “kompromat” or “leverage” over a person. Seeing this name, of all names, connected in this way leads me to question if there are some Artificial Identities in-play here, just like The Raven and Ruby’s Raven.
Are there multiple people operating under a single name, being puppeted by a single person? Just like there are a thousand people operating under the name of “The Architect?”
His life’s work⌗
In December of 2019, I was listening to the Harmontown podcast. In one episode, The Hype Man makes an interesting statement, “We had our producer friend, Mike, who passed away… we take people from their private lives, and we use them in TV, and then it’s, like, it was for nothing… there’s survivor’s guilt, and then there’s murderer’s guilt… that’s the profane thing to me, is the idea, of like, it’s this old Hollywood thing of, like, ‘yeah, what we do is so important that it’s worth human life,’ and it’s not!” - @28:45
Spencer replies, “I mean, he chose the job, right? He probably could have quit.”
Nick responds, “No. No, that’s why this is so complicated.”
The Hype Man responds, “Yeah, no, it’s actually… there was this controversial program. We actually selected him from birth.”
They hurriedly move the conversation past this point.
Could they be talking about Mike Davis? With The Ink finally coming into maturation, is it time for Mike to move on? Is it time for him to “die?”
Have I, just like Mike, been raised from birth to be this person that I am today? What about The Raven? She has been acting since at least the age of 12.
What is this controversial program that they speak of? It is a sort of rehabilitation program for people with baseball problems? So many people, including The Hype Man, myself, The Dave, and The Asshat are narcissists; could it be related to that?
Jeff Be Davis⌗
Around this same time, I would see The Thief mention, “I found a mug that I didn’t know I had… apparently, it was Jeff’s… I don’t know who Jeff is…” - @5:42
I find it hard to believe that you would just randomly find a mug with a name on it in your cupboard.
I would connect this event with the name “Jeff B. Davis,” who was a regular on the Harmontown podcast.
Could it be that Jeff (The Thief) is actually Davis (The High Priest)? Sort of an Artificial Identity type-of scenario?
With everything I’ve seen, I don’t think that this is an impossibility.